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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thunder Over Louisville

Thunder Over Louisville is almost here, and organizers are working around-the-clock to get everything done in time.

Before the sun has even come up, Thunder producer Wayne Hettinger is awake, drinking coffee at the command center.

Hettinger is the man who's been behind the magic of the Thunder Over Louisville for 20 years, and he said the only thing better than Thunder itself is the day before the big event.

"It's Christmas Eve for the guys that are planning the show, that's for sure," he said.

Although Santa won't be attending the Thunderous festivities Saturday, there will be plenty of red and green.

"You're going to see greener greens this year," Hettinger said. "Brighter reds."
And hopefully, blue skies for the Thunder Over Louisville.

"We're excited about that. That means people can come early, can come pick your place to park, pick your place to watch the show. That's a big science. Have to know where to watch thunder from -- up high, downtown, in a building, outside?" said Kentucky Derby Festival President and CEO Mike Berry. "I suggest near a port-o-let and a corn dog booth."

"We've had B1B bombers come in before, but this year, we've got a pair that are going to fly," Hettinger said. "That's going to make a lot of noise and fill a lot of air space."

But it's the sounds from the crowd that have Hettinger coming back year after year.

"The kids are going to be so excited, and that's what you live for," he said.

The air show of Thunder Over Louisville begins at 3 p.m. Saturday and the fireworks display is set to begin at 9:30.

For more information about the Thunder Over Louisville:
